Abstract Submission

Information and Guidelines

Please note that ICTC 2023 will be an in-person conference. Presenters and workshop facilitators are required to attend the conference in Fremantle.

In exceptional circumstances, such as international travel restrictions, remote presentations may be accepted on a case-by-case basis.

Submissions that focus on all aspects of translocations including scientific research, adaptive management, practitioners stories (case studies), challenges, methodology and planning are welcome.

The Call for Abstracts


The following presentation types will be featured at the conference. All are equally valued contributions, and different presentation formats may be best suited to different kinds of content. Delegates are encouraged to select the presentation format that best suits the material to be presented.


Because they are on show for the entire conference, poster presentations allow you to showcase your work to a broader audience and provide opportunities for discussion with your peers one-on-one or in small groups. Traditionally, poster presenters have used the opportunity to present works in progress, preliminary results, new methods and techniques, or detailed proposals for future research.

Oral Presentation (15 minutes including 12-minute talk with 3-minute Q&A)

Oral presentations are ideal for presenting research projects that are close to completion, with emerging conclusions. This style of performance allows the author to place their work in a broader context, and to discuss hypotheses, study design, and outcomes in detail.

Speed Talk (5 minutes including 4-minute talk with1 minute for changeover)

Case Study speed talks are best for presenting practitioner stories similar to those found in the IUCN “Global Conservation Translocation Perspectives” series. Speed talks allow you to present your story in a concise and energetic format.

Abstract Selection Criteria

The criteria used to assess abstracts may include:

  • relevance to the scientific study of implementation of conservation translocations
  • scientific merit, originality and interest
  • compliance with the word count (250 words) and format requirements for abstracts

The Scientific Committee will attempt to accommodate the preferred presentation type for all delegates, but inevitably the number of oral presentations (15 min) that can be accommodated in the program is limited.

Abstracts for 15-minute oral presentations may be submitted before all analyses and interpretations of the results have been finalised, but authors MUST report some specific preliminary results. Vague statements such as ‘results will be discussed’ are not acceptable.

Abstract Submission

When submitting an abstract, you will be required to provide the following information:

  • Abstract title (not to exceed 20 words): a brief, interesting and explicit description
  • An indication of the selected theme, or general session
  • Name and contact details of lead presenting author
  • Preferred presentation type (oral presentation, speed talk, poster)
  • Author names (the lead author would normally present the material)
  • Author affiliations
  • Abstract text (do not exceed 250 words)
  • Biography of presenting author
  • Acknowledgement that you intend registering and participating in ICTC 2023 if your abstract is accepted

Early submission of abstracts is encouraged. You will need time to collate your information, navigate the submission portal and complete all the required fields, so please submit your abstract well before the closing date of Friday 28 April 2023 to avoid frustration.

Abstract Notification

Abstract notifications will be sent to submitting authors in late May 2023. Sometimes there are more relevant papers than can be included in the time allocated and authors may be offered an alternate presentation format (e.g. a poster in place of an oral presentation). To the best of their best ability, the scientific committee will schedule papers into a thematic session.

Contact Us

Please direct all abstract enquiries to:
ICTC 2023 Conference Secretariat, Kaigi Conferencing and Events
Phone: +61 2 6198 3218
Email: info@kaigi.com.au