The following workshops are confirmed for ICTC 2023 participants.
You can register your interest in participating in workshops when you register to attend ICTC 2023.
By the end of the workshop, participants should be able to apply the IUCN Guidelines for Reintroductions and other conservation translocations by:
- Developing conservation translocation goals, objectives, and actions that are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-bound.
- Utilising a range of decision-making tools in order to develop, monitor, and adapt conservation translocation projects to achieve pre-determined objectives.
- Identifying and managing risks.
- Drawing on a suite of stakeholder engagement tools (group problemsolving, expert elicitation, etc) to overcome challenges and improve success.
Facilitators: Kevin Parker, Zoe Stone, Johannes Fischer, Phil Seddon, Doug Armstrong, Axel Moehrenschlager
Includes: morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea
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As direct management interventions are becoming more common in conservation, the need to have genetic data to inform such actions is increasing. This practical workshop is aimed at conservation biologists who have, or are seeking to have, genetic data to inform their translocations. We will walk you through the genetic terms, what they mean, what you need to watch out for and how to interpret commonly used genetic metrics.
Facilitators: Carolyn Hogg, Kym Ottewell and Elspeth McLennan
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Faunatech provides dependable, high-quality audio recorders and camera traps to ecologists and wildlife specialists throughout Australasia. We have a reputation for personalised service and commitment to the products we deliver and we offer technical support for Wildlife Acoustics and Reconyx products and free virtual product training for our customers.
During this session, we will introduce the field of ecoacoustics and how it may be applied to conservation translocation projects. We will then introduce the available Wildlife Acoustics tools: wildlife sound recorders and sound analysis software, and illustrate the basic workflow from identifying the need for an ecoacoustics project, to data collection, to data analysis using these tools.
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This workshop is open to all plant translocation practitioners. The workshop will focus on aspects of planning and practice that can improve the likelihood of establishing healthy, resilient and recruiting plant populations, that will persist over the long term. The workshop will include practical examples of sourcing seed or other germplasm types, selecting recipient sites (macro and microsites), post planting management techniques and genetic health assessments. We will also address creation of populations that are resilient to disturbance. We encourage attendance from a range of practitioners including researchers, government, consultancy and community groups.
Includes: morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea
With thanks to the Threatened Rare and Endemic Plant Ecology Research Group at UNSW
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A full-day workshop specifically for those working in the Australian translocation space. A range of issues will be discussed including understanding predator thresholds for release (and opportunities for standardised monitoring), long term sustainability of populations within fenced reserves, indigenous involvement in translocations, species composition/order of reintroductions, and practical options for protecting translocated populations from climate change. The workshop will include an informal talk by a translocation ecologist on each theme followed by an open discussion. The workshop is primarily seen as an opportunity to learn and collaborate but publications may be produced from conference outcomes.
Includes: morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea
Facilitators: Katherine Moseby, Dorian Moro, Katherine Tuft and Rebecca West
Wildlife Disease Risk Analysis (DRA) is a systematic, evidence-based and transparent conservation planning process that can be applied to any situation where disease is a factor threatening wildlife. This workshop is based on the IUCN guidelines and manual and will use case studies to facilitate understanding of the process. This workshop will also include a 1hr guided tour around the Native Species Breeding Programme at Perth Zoo, morning tea and lunch.
Facilitators Dr Rebecca Vaughan-Higgins, Dr Fiona Knox, Dr Steve Unwin
Practitioners and scientists who wish to get to grips with the basics of ecological modelling techniques for a broad range of applications, such as Distance sampling, mark-recapture, spatial mark recapture and occupancy.
Facilitators: Darryl Mackenzie and Joanne Potts